2012 03 24 Friday March 23
Post date: Mar 24, 2012 5:37:16 AM
Today seemed to be a pretty good day for Martha -- Amanda, Martin and I joined her for lunch, and she ate well. (Actually we all ate well. Salem does catfish and coleslaw really well!) Martha has some swelling in her legs so hopefully her doctor will get on top of it before it becomes a problem. She is working hard to stay time oriented, but obviously finds it difficult, as well as frustrating when she realizes she has lost track of the day. We think she often "gains" a day when she takes a nap. Otherwise her memory and orientation have been very good. She is still pretty weak physically, but it sounds like the rehab exercises are still progressing well. Tomorrow she will have a day off from rehab and, a group of her friends plan to visit in the dining room for a game of Bridge... they're looking forward to a fun time!
As you may have noticed above, Amanda was able to get out and join Martha for lunch today. She just started some new medicine, with good results.The one she has been trying for over a month not only hasn't helped her, it has been causing all manner of other troubles. So far nearly everything about the new one has been good, so we are very encouraged! Next week maybe she will feel well enough to deal with the insurance company regarding her medical disability benefits. :-P