2012 02 14 Tuesday February 14 -- morning update
Post date: Feb 14, 2012 3:57:39 PM
Martha's daytime nurse tells us that they have discovered Martha's changes in consciousness are due to seizures, possibly as a reaction to one of the medicines. To try to address that they have taken her off many of her earlier medicines and added only a couple of new ones. Because she still isn't able to eat by herself, they are again putting in a dobhoff (feeding) tube. Fortunately her vital signs are good, and Dr. Krisht hopes to get the seizures under control soon. I have a small stack of cards and valentines to deliver to Martha so she can see them as soon as she is able!
On the home front, Amanda is having fewer symptoms today, and is starting a new medicine she is hopeful about. She is eager to get better enough to visit Martha in person very soon!