2012 02 27 Monday February 27
Post date: Feb 28, 2012 2:40:10 AM
Martha seemed to have a pretty good day today, but she obviously found it quite tiring. This was her second day working with the rehab staff, and I have not yet heard their official report. Martha is still eating soft food until she has improved her strength. (It's too exhausting to chew regular food.)
Martha and I had a very nice conversation this morning, and I know she had several visitors plus her regular assistants (Tasha and Tim) at mealtimes. She always seems to recognize and greet everyone (when she is awake) but occasionally she says things that don't quite make sense. So overall she has had great improvement over her hospital stay.
The past few days have not been so good for Amanda; the new medication doses the doctor prescribed are not working well for her. Yesterday she visited her mother briefly, but today she had more trouble throughout the day and never got out. We will be trying some different things this week, medical and non-medical. Thank you again to everyone who has called, emailed or dropped by!