2012 03 11 Sunday March 11
Post date: Mar 12, 2012 1:58:05 AM
Martha had a wonderful time being at church today! We are so glad Tim was committed to making that happen. We were concerned that she would get worn out, but I think she was energized by it. She surprised all of us by standing when everyone else stood during the worship service... Tim reminded her she could sit down anytime she needed to, but she persisted and didn't have any trouble. Tasha, Tim, Martin and I all were able to join her for an excellent lunch at Salem Place so that was a good finish to an excellent morning.
As folks who talked to her realize, she really is doing very well. She still cannot remember time-oriented things, so every day she thinks it's time for her appointment with Dr. Krisht (which is scheduled for this coming Friday). She also cannot remember phone numbers, but she has been working on that, and has called a few folks the past few days. If I remember I may deliver one of her phone lists from home so she can call more people she knows... though be forewarned that if you return her call she still cannot reach the phone unless she is sitting right near it.
On an earlier posting I noted that Martha seemed to need her oxygen machine less, but apparently the nurses saw her pulse-ox decrease without it, so she is still on it for now. I believe she will be able to eliminate it before she leaves rehab; if not, of course, the portable tanks are manageable with some effort.
Sadly Amanda wasn't able to participate today because she was feeling worse. We think she may have over-extended herself yesterday. Now she needs to reclaim her health by continuing to get a lot more rest (as well as gentle exercise). She did finally get over to see Martha for a very brief visit this evening. Thank you to everyone for your prayers!