2012 10 04 Thursday October 4th
Post date: Oct 5, 2012 1:32:39 AM
Just in case folks are checking this site for news -- Martha has been feeling more and more "run down" lately, and went to see her regular doctor last week and again this week. He referred her on to her oncologist, who saw her today and thought she needed some tests. The fastest way to get those tests was via the Conway ER.
11pm update: A few hours ago the ER doctors decided Martha probably has a pulmonary embolism (clot in a lung) so they consulted with her oncologist and her brain surgeon and have decided on a course of action they can take here. SO she has been admitted to the hospital here and will be in ICU while they administer a drug to try to dissolve the clot.
I'm not sure whether anyone is checking this site, but feel free to leave a comment and I will relay it to Martha.