2012 02 08 Wednesday February 8
Post date: Feb 8, 2012 6:02:47 PM
The report this morning (at about 9am) from Martha's nurse was very good! She was sitting up, conversing, and eating! (The nurse said "attempting to eat" but that is a vast improvement over late last week, when they were having to feed her.) I will try to post an update later.
Unfortunately being at the hospital yesterday waiting for Martha to get back from surgery was very hard on Amanda. It took us several hours before she felt like she could ride home, and we lurked around the ER in case things got worse. She is still weak from being sick all weekend, so today she has mostly stayed in bed, not talking on the phone, not reading email. So far that seems to be helping! We checked in with Martha's church and they will send a visitor who will see Martha and report back.
Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers!