2012 02 08 Wednesday February 8 -- Evening Update
Post date: Feb 9, 2012 4:18:06 AM
A big thank you to Ken and Joy, who visited Martha today on our behalf since Amanda couldn't make it. Their report was good -- Martha was sound asleep but woke when the nurse came to get her up. She recognized and spoke to Ken and Joy. She was upbeat, as ever! We were so glad to get their detailed report.
I called the ICU myself tonight about 9pm and the night nurse reiterated what I had heard from Ken and others. She was alert and was watching television. She still isn't getting enough calories to heal, however, so they may need to consider some more options.
I was surprised when the night nurse suggested that Martha is doing well enough that she might possibly be released to rehab tomorrow! That's good news, if true! Our previous understanding was that she would move from ICU to a step-down room in the hospital, and then to rehab. However the night nurse said she is actually doing really well, and depending on the facility, rehab can probably handle her nutrition and other issues just fine. We will try to keep people updated when we find out for sure. Assuming rehab here in town suits her needs, it will be much easier for everyone when she is nearby!
For those who have called and emailed about Amanda -- thank you for your prayers and concern. Amanda spent the day reclining, quiet, away from email and phones, and I think I detect some improvement already. She went to bed early and is sleeping soundly tonight so I'm hoping by tomorrow she will be less weak and exhausted. It may take days or weeks of rest. (Or maybe the Hawaiian vacation she says I promised 25 years ago when we lived in dark, dreary, cold, Troy, NY?)