2012 02 21 Tuesday February 21 -- evening update
Post date: Feb 22, 2012 4:17:53 AM
Martha seems to be doing better in the regular hospital room. She has been talking with everyone, and the nurses are pleased with her progress and especially her positive attitude!
Tasha took some homemade potato soup this afternoon, and Martha ate most of it. Tasha had to keep encouraging, however, so it took a lot of persistence. Tonight's nurse reported Martha had eaten 10% of lunch and 50% of dinner (though I don't know how the soup counted). So Martha is making some progress on eating.
I appreciate the updates from folks about Martha's favorite foods. Amanda was realizing that most of the time we are around her Martha cooks or eats what her guests enjoy, so we don't know so well what she enjoys.
Pam cannot be at the hospital tomorrow (Wednesday), but when she goes back she will bring a selection of soup in small containers. I don't know what kind of assistance Martha has available, but if any visitors are present at mealtime, they might bring in a meal for themselves and encourage her to eat along at the same time. Please if you bring some food for Martha please let the nurse know how much of it she has eaten.
Pam commented tonight that in her opinion Martha actually looks good for someone who had a traumatic brain injury and four weeks of ICU. She has a lot of recovering to do! We knew from the outset this would be a difficult process, so we need to not be too disappointed by the setbacks.
Today was difficult for Amanda, who started a new dosage of medication, but she is resting better now. She is also trying a therapy that doesn't involve more medications, and the first attempt today was very positive. Tomorrow I feel sure she will be able get outside and move some more.