2012 05 17 Thursday May 17
Post date: May 17, 2012 6:30:42 PM
Thanks to everyone who has been asking and I apologize for the lack of posts lately.
Martha has continued to improve, and in fact, just "graduated" from all her home-health therapy yesterday. I'm not sure whether she has also been released from the home nursing, though they are having her continue to take and record her blood pressure. It sounds like she needs to continue to back off on her medications, but of course her doctor is being very cautious in the process. Martha is scheduled to have her first post-hospital followup visit with Dr. Krisht next week, so maybe he will have more wisdom to impart. Overall, Martha is doing really well!
Unfortunately Amanda had a rough spot over the weekend with what seems like another drug reaction. She had done very well with this particular drug for almost six weeks, however, so she has backed off on the dosage significantly and the dangerous and painful symptoms have diminished. Today her acupuncturist approved of the reduction in dosage, as he has said all along that the higher dose of medicine has been hard on her heart, which he says is doing much better now. He also wants her to eat healthy fatty foods like avocado and salmon because lost a lot of weight in the past week. Her physician wants to see her right away in case her symptoms are due to some other problem. This is how it always seems to go! BUT overall things seem to be very very slowly improving for Amanda.
Thanks again to everyone for your prayers and messages of concern for Amanda and for Martha.