2012 02 11 Saturday February 11
Post date: Feb 12, 2012 4:18:46 AM
Today was a very good day for Martha! She still isn't eating as well as we would hope, but her attitude is good (as always) and the medical reports were good. Our son Martin and I were able to be there at lunch time, and we delivered her cell phone and some cards from her mailbox. I don't think she is quite up to being able to use the cell phone all by herself, but I thought she might appreciate having it at some point since she has been eager to speak to people.
While Martin and I were in the room, Rev. Ruskin Falls came by (as he has done several times per week) and he and Martha had a good visit. She also had the cheery Dr. Beck the hematologist come by, and that is always a delight.
Late in the day Pam was again able to be there to help Martha eat dinner, which has been a challenge lately. With Pam's help we are slowly discovering some things that help meals proceed much better. She will need to eat much more once she starts Rehab because it will be several hours per day of tough work!
By the way, if you do speak to Martha, you will notice that she still gets a bit confused, and that is OK and expected. However please feel free to question her assumptions and gently suggest corrections. For example, today she told me she was going to get dinner for us and put it in our refrigerator at four o'clock so Amanda won't have to cook before a meeting. I thanked her for thinking of us and reminded her she is in the hospital so will need to focus on getting stronger herself.
As far as we know everything is still on track for Martha to transfer to Conway Monday, depending on the weather. I will deliver her warm coat tomorrow so she can stay warm in transit.
On the home front, Amanda had a good day today. While Martin and I away from home all morning, our friend Darryl came by so she wouldn't have to be alone. She rested and they discussed the book he was reading. By the end of the day Amanda still felt good and not as exhausted as she has been, so she is encouraged that maybe her illness is starting to resolve. We are hoping that, at the very least, she will feel better enough to spend a bit of time with Martha when she starts rehab.
[EDIT: I fixed the day of the month in the title. Apparently I'm having trouble keeping track!]